

videos on all things queer cultural

Brandon Cordeiro talks about RIBBONS @PIFF16

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queerguru talks to openly gay actor-turned-director Brandon Cordeiro about his highly-personal heart-tugging short movie about a difficult passage in the history of the evolution of the LGBT community here in P.Town. Cordeiro born and bred in P Town took he title Ribbons from those that are hung blowing in the wind at the Town’s annual Swim For Life which is both a fundraiser and a celebration of the lives of the very many we lost to the AIDS pandemic.

The interview for PTV is part of our coverage of Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 where Ribbons is having its East Coast Premiere.

Spa Night @ #PIFF16

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1Spa Night is a coming of age tale that is a  really refreshing look at a young Korean/American man with a foot in two different cultures in which he doesn’t feel he fits, which in a way mirrors his parents own struggle to find their American identities. On top of that however, David has to come to terms with his own sexuality, which looks like it is going to take a great deal longer to resolve.   Written & Directed by newbie filmmaker Andrew Ahn, it was one of the very best LGBT movies to emerge from Sundance this year.

Reviewed by queerguru for P.T.V. as part of the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16


Tickled @ #PIFF16

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TICKLED title card

queerguru reviews TICKLED a new documentary from David Farrier a New Zealand TV Journalist who thought he was just going to be doing a lighthearted film about was the quite innocent looking world of competitive endurance tickling. Instead what he discovered was a sinister conspiracy to stop him investigating an incredible international web of deceit and illegal practices that turned into an absolute nightmare scenario.  This totally bizarre, and often very scary story makes for very compelling viewing.

Reviewed for P.T.V. as part of #PIFF16 

Macbethenny @ PIFF16

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queerguru talked to Dave Castleman for PTV about his first ever short movie that is debuting at Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16.  He swapped the kings and moors of Scotland for the queens and beaches of Fire Island for his hilarious new take on one of Shakespeare’s classics now renamed MacBethenny.

The movie is playing as part of  the Queer Shorts: Men’s program. Tickets and further information from PIFF16 Box Office.

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