

videos on all things queer cultural

C. Fitz talks about Jewel’s Catch One

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For 42 years Jewel Thais-Williams ran Catch One  the first African-American female-owned disco in Los Angeles which provided an inclusive, exuberant and one-of-a-kind environment for gays of color to party in. It became so much more that as Jewel sought to offer a welcoming alternative, a place for expression and celebration that was a refuge from daily discrimination.  This fiercely independent woman battled through years of harassment to survive and prosper and even when it became the place-to-go for stars like Madonna she still focused on looking after the local community.

This remarkable and large-than-life pioneer and her club is the subject of a brand new documentary that is having its World Premiere at The Provincetown International Film Festival  and to mark the occasion queerguru sat down to talk to the film’s director C. Fitz. for PTV.  Here is just a teaser trailer of our conversation ….. more to come later.

Illeana Douglas Talks Movies @ #PIFF16

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queerguru has been having a whirlwind of a week chatting to some rather fabulous filmmakers and stars for PTV at the Provincetown Film Festival #PIFF16.         One of my gracious ….. and very funny ….. guests was actress/writer/director/producer ILLEANA DOUGLAS who came to talk about her new memoir ‘I Blame Dennis Hopper: And Other Stories from a Life Lived In and Out of the Movies’.  She has such a passion for movies and so for a cinephile like me, it was a real treat.  Here is a tiny clip of our conversation, and the whole interview will be broadcast soon on PTV and all over our Social Media.

P.S.  We are very grateful to the Sage Inn and Lounge for allowing us to film our interview in their garden.


Lazy Eye @ #PIFF16

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In Tim Kirkman’s new riveting heart-tugging drama 40 year old Dean’s slightly stagnated life is thrown a curve ball when totally out of the blue he receives an email from Alex the man who broke his heart when he walked out 15 years ago and totally disappeared. Dean is very intrigued as Alex was the biggest love of his life, and even though he has moved on, he just cannot help but think how his life may have turned out if he had stayed.  He just has to find out.

queerguru reviews Lazy Eye for PTV as part of the Provincetown International Film Festival. #PIFF16

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