

videos on all things queer cultural

Check It @ #PIFF16

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1‘Check It’ is a powerful and somewhat shocking new documentary about a ‘gang’ of gay and transgender kids in one of Washington DC’s most notoriously tough neighborhoods who collectively decide to fight back against all the physical and mental abuse that is heaped on them as they strive to simply survive. A couple of adult activists offer them a glimmer of hope for a better future. Directed by Dana Flor and Toby Oppenheimer, the movie is being shown as part of Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 and is reviewed here by queerguru for PTV.


The People Vs Fritz Bauer @ #PIFF16

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The People Vs Fritz Bauer1 is a riveting historical thriller based on a true story, which chronicles the herculean efforts of German district attorney Fritz Bauer after WW2 to bring Nazi war criminals like Adolph Eichmann to justice and being obstructed by the new German authorities every inch of the way.  Written and directed by Lars Kraume and starring veteran German actor Burghart Klaußner and Ronald Zehrfeld.  The movie is playing at Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16.


Strike A Pose @ #PIFF16

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25 years a1go when Madonna embarked on her Blonde Ambition World Tour she took with a troupe of fabulous male dancers who added this whole tier of sensuality and extreme style to the show.  Now the ‘boys’ in their mid 40’s  look back at one of the very best years of their lives in this wonderful new documentary Strike A Pose. 

The movie is playing as the Closing Night Gala at Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16, and here is our review for P.T.V.

Suited @ #PIFF16

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1This documentary is the story of Bindle and Keep a small tailoring company in New York who are part of whole new growing breed of clothiers who cater specifically for the transgender community.  It is a joyful tale of how having the opportunity to having non-gender specific custom-made clothing so impacts peoples lives. Directed by newbie filmmaker Jason Benjamin and produced by Lena Dunham, it is one of several transgender movies showing in Provincetown Film Festival.

Suited is one of queerguru’s Top Picks for #PIFF16 and this is our review for PTV .


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