

videos on all things queer cultural

The Unstoppable P David Ebersole & Todd Hughes

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Our friends P David Ebersole & #ToddHughes are having a whale of a time right now MANSFIELD 66/67 is on streaming platforms in the US, plus Peccadillo Pictures are releasing it in UK cinemas this Friday. Meanwhile, this charmed pair of filmmakers are jetting off to Festival de Cannes to preview their new doc on Pierre Cardin.

We sat down with them last summer at Provincetown Film Society & Festival and threw some shade ……here’s our interview with Roger Walker-Dack filmed by Hussein  Wentz at Sage Inn

YEN TAN talks about his new AIDS drama 1985

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Queer filmmaker YEN TAN’s latest exceptional drama takes place in the early stages of the AIDS pandemic when so many gay men who had yet to come out to their families about their sexuality, were now faced with dealing with their HIV diagnosis alone.  1985 is one such story where a young Texan man goes home to visit with his family probably for the last time and then is destined to take his secret to the grave with him.

1985 was selected as the Closing Night Gala film at OUTshine, Miami’s LGBTQ Film Festival where it played to a sold-out crowd.  Whilst Tan was in town, he talked with Roger Walker-Dack about the film, and why it is important that movies about AIDS are still made.

The interview was filmed by Hussein Wentz for www.queergurutv.com

Robbie Kaplan & Judith Kasen-Windsor talk EDIE

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Attorney Roberta Kaplan and Judith M. Kasen-Windsor flew into OUTshine Film Festival in Miami to screen To A More Perfect Union: US v Windsor and so we seized the opportunity to talk to them both about the legacy of the iconic Edie Windsor and the huge debt our Community owe her,

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and was filmed by #HusseinWentz for www.queergurutv.com

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