

videos on all things queer cultural

MATTHEW GOULD talks about the world’s first gay ‘resort’ which was hardly a holiday camp

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We were very intrigued when we heard about San Domino – A Musical Drama the true story of how gay men were rounded up in pre-WW2 Italy and jailed in an all-gay prison in a remote island as part of Mussolini’s attempt at cleansing the population. We caught up with director Matthew Gould on the eve of the Musical’s opening at London’s Tristan Bates Theatre

SANDRA DICKINSON talks about THE UNBUILT CITY (and her life in the limelight)

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Photograph by Elliott Franks


The actress Sandra Dickinson left her native Washington DC in 1970 to follow an Englishman man back to his home country. Even though that relationship didn’t have a happy ever after ending, she fell in love with the country and stayed. The English fell in love with her too and for the past almost 50 years she has had a very successful career flitting between TV movies and the Theatre. Last year she starred in a play about Lucille Ball which gave her the best reviews of her career, and now she’s found herself another meaty role in The Unbuilt City that is due to open next week.  We caught up with her via a Facetime when she had just rushed home from rehearsals


QUEER MOVIES @ P Town Film Fest

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For the 20th Edition of Provincetown Film Society & Festival in June 2018, there are 14 eclectic feature-length QUEER MOVIES that cover a very wide spectrum and here, in alphabetical order, is QUEERGURU’S take on them all.

1985A Kid Like Jake, Every Act of Life, The Gospel of Eureka, Hearts Beat Loud, Life In the Doghouse, Mapplethorpe, Mario, McQueen, The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood, Studio 54,  Westwood; Punk, Icon Activist, Wild Nights With Emily, 

Justin David: He’s Done Ever So Well For Himself

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As part of QUEERGURU’S quest researching the hotbed of queer East London, we came across Justin David as he was just launching his debut novel with a title we would have loved for our own memoir HE’S DONE EVER SO WELL FOR HIMSELF. A self-proclaimed working-class queer writer Justin is also a photographer, publisher and full-time teacher.

He’s passionate about living in Dalston with his partner Nathan Evans with whom he has formed Inkandescent a new publishing imprint to nurture and produce the work of up and coming writers.  He called us via Facetime from his bedroom and although we discussed many things, I foolishly failed to ask him if the rope so prominently displayed behind him was part of another passion.  Maybe next time.



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