

videos on all things queer cultural


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Two years ago when one of Provincetown’s favorite performers had a biopic made on their life, the whole town turned out to support it. The subject was the much beloved Scott Townsend aka ThirstyBurlington aka The Cher who is better than the real thing. Thirsty has been promoting the movie ever since then and is now back where she belongs on stage, and that exactly where we found her to talk about her new show Cher Live at the Crown & Anchor

LANDLINE : the story of the only helpline for gay farmers in the UK

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One of the most compelling films selected for the Mens Queer Shorts Program at Provincetown Film Festival this year is Landline a documentary about the only helpline in the UK for gay farmers. This fascinating look at a highly marginalized section of our community is quite an eye opener especially for us urban types, and so we called producer Rupert Williams via Facebook to learn more.


Tout PTown celebrates the Opening of The Shack : LGBTQ Welcome Center

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‘Tout PTown’ turned up for one of the highlights of the Town’s First Ever Gay Pride the Opening of The Shack the new LGBTQ Welcome Center by Provincetown Business Guild with Fred Latasa,Alli BaldwinMichael D KelleyRobin LapidusCheryl L AndrewsJulian Cyr#YvetteMatternTim McCarthyDavid B. Panagore and Miss Richfield 1981

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