
Legendary actress and star of John Waters films MINK STOLE talks about the PTown TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATRE FESTIVAL ……and more.

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Back in 2015 we started Queerguru aiming high as one of the very first exclusive interviews we filmed was with Hollywood star and matinee idol Tab Hunter. He was so totally charming and generous , and he exceeded every expectation we had of him.  One of the surprises of his career that we discussed was how he stepped away from playing squeaky clean jocks in 1981 to co star in POLYESTER a John Waters movie alongside the great Divine.  A Waters movie could be described in many ways but  certainly  not squeaky or clean.

Also in that movie was a John Waters regular and favorite ….Mink Stole …. who in fact has starred in all of Waters feature films.   So we jumped at the chance of an interview with Mink when we found out she was heading to PTown … our home town … and also summer home of John Waters too.  She is coming as the Special Guest at a Fundraising  Banquet for  Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival a major cultural institution  especially as Williams had both resided here for some years but also wrote some of his best work here too.

It was an opportunity to good to waste, and though we  didn’t throw ‘shade’  I did learn a great deal including the fact that although she and John both live in Baltimore the actually met here  some 60 years ago in front of Provincetown Town Hall.  She miss remembered that the benches there are locally known as the ‘meet’ rack NOT  by their real title, the ‘meat rack! 

So we got to talk about  Mr Waters of course, her own experiences acting in two Tennesse Plays, her rather fabulous music album, and gaining queer icon status for playing Aunt Helen in the whole Eating OUT queer film franchise  AND how John wants to make one more film. 


The Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival announces its Annual Performance Gala 
on June 1 at the Gifford House in Provincetown.



Mikko Mäkelä talks wIth QUEERGURU about his new critically acclaimed film SEBASTIAN

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Queerguru first met London based queer Finnish filmmaker Mikko Mäkelä in 2017 when his first feature film MOMENT IN THE REEDS premiered at BFI Flare Film Fest in London.

Now some 7 years later his 2nd feature SEBASTIAN had its World Premiere at Sundance fast attracting both critical acclaim and distribution deals for global Theatrical Release.

Its the story of Max, an aspiring young writer in London, who begins living a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.

We caught up with Mäkelä at the Provincetown Film Festival, where the film was on our TOP MUST-SEE- LIST to learn more, and celebrate the films critical success.

The Interview was filmed by Dan Desjardins

PS You may like to read Queerguru’s full review of SEBASTIAN. HERE

Multi Award-Winning Theatre creator ANDREW KEATES talks about his new project QUEER THEATRE

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Andrew Keates is a multi-award-winning Theatre Director, Acting Coach and Artist who lives in London.

His latest project in QUEER THEATRE with a very simple mission:

To tell authentic LGBTQIA+ stories without shame.

To nurture LGBTQIA- theatre makers with pride, in the form of classes, specialist workshops, one night only events and social/networking functions.

To partner with individuals and organisations who will help us grow the visibility of queer stories in the mainstream as well as directly to the LGBTQIA+ community.

To one day occupy a permanent space and dedicate it to creating LGBTQIA+ theatre, events and entertainment. 

In this day and age when the LGBTQ@+ community are under political attacks and are finding it necessary having to fight to maintain our hard-won equal rights. its a joy to see Andrew’s new venture start to take off

NICK HAYES and MATTHEW STATHERS talk about the World Premiere of REMEMBRANCE MONDAY a very intimate story about love and loss

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On the eve of the World Premiere of REMEMBRANCE of a new play by Michael Batten directed by Alan Souza, that will open at the SEVEN DIALS PLAYHOUSE in London, we talk with the two stars NICK HAYES and MATTHEW STATHERS about this very intimate story about love and loss in this two-hander play

Parker Sargent talks about the 2nd annual TRANS CELEBRATION WEEKEND on Cherry Grove, Fire Island

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When you read Parker Sargent’s resume you feel positively tired, and also in awe of how one person can squeeze so much into a lifetime :  Writer, director and producer  and the host of the What Is Queer Podcast and organizer of the TRANS CELEBRATION WEEKEND etc. etc. Then when you get to meet them it all makes perfect sense as Parker has a very infectious passion, energy and sense of commitment to our community and so its impossible not to be swept up in her latest plans.

They include the 2nd Annual Trans Celebration Weekend that is about to happen on Cherry Grove, Fire Island in September.  Its three very packed days of movies, resources, performances, dance parties, nature walks, catered events beach activities and much more. Its perfect timing for this public celebration in one of the US’s most welcoming queer paradises in the present political and social climate when it seems like open season on attacking the trans community. The whole LGBTQA+ community is a better place for us all due to the likes of Parker Sargent.

Parker talked to QUEERGURU about their plans and hopes for this remarkable free queer event, produced in conjunction with Cherry Grove Community Association to which EVERYONE will be welcome to join


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