

videos on all things queer cultural

Ptown celebrates #Stonewall 50

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When Caleb Eigsti and Austin Tyler discovered there was no ‘official’ event being planned to mark the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall in #Ptown, they organized one themselves. This informal ad-hoc event with speeches from Ryan Landry and Miss Richfield 1981 on the steps of the A House, the town;’s oldest gay bar was an unqualified success

Filmed for QUEERGURU TV by Dan Desjardins

Kevin Spritas & Michael Slade talk about AFTER FOREVER their LGBT web series that won 5 Emmys.

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KEVIN SPRITAS & MICHAEL SLADE never met when they were respectively the star and writer of the classic TV Soap DAYS OF OUR LIVES.  But a chance meeting years later had them co-creating and writing AFTER FOREVER a story about life, love and loss about a successful couple of gay men. Their extraordinary web series won 5 EMMY AWARDS and the hearts and minds of a LGBTQ community in particular who rarely get the chance to see an authentic drama about that for once is not just about millenials. They talked to QUEERGURU about their excellent ground-breaking series 

AFTER FOREVER  can be viewed On AMAZON in the US and UK


P.S. You can read our full review of the series at http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2018/09/after-forever


Michael Childers : Hollywood Photographer, Producer and one half of an iconic gay couple

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When Michael Childers was at the Provincetown Film Festival recently to present awards in the name of his late life partner the filmmaker John Schlesinger we seized this golden opportunity to film an interview with him. Not only did he share a wealth of stories about his own very successful career, and his 37 year romance with John with whom he also worked with professionally, but he gave us a glimpse of the charmed life that he is still enjoying today (and he threw in some delicious shade too)

The conversation with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Inn on Cook Street in Provincetown


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