

videos on all things queer cultural

RWD talks to Jake Witzenfeld

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Roger talks to Brit filmmaker Jake Witzenfeld the director of ORIENTED : his impressive and heartwarming documentary which is an intriguing snapshot of what life is like for gay Arabs living in a trendy suburb of Tel Aviv today. He follows three extremely engaging best friends in their early twenties for 18 months through 2013 – 2014 when tensions between Gaza and Israel flared up yet again.


RWD’s Top 5 Wicked Queer Picks

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Wicked Queer Picks TITLE CARD


There is a really good reason why you will want to jump in your car and head up Route 6 to the big city lights of Boston this month. Its the 32nd edition of the city’s LGBT Film Festival and just like it’s title it really is Wicked Queer.

They have another wonderful eclectic program of real cinematic treats and we would rave about most of them if we had the time, but we don’t so here then are PTV’s Top 5 Picks of Movies that you will not want to miss.


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