

videos on all things queer cultural

The Calamari Sisters Shop for (Big) Sausages

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queerguru bumped into Delphine and Carmela : infamously known in these parts as The Calamari Sisters …. who were out shopping for big meaty sausages in the most unlikely places in P Town. These Italian gals have escaped their native Brooklyn for the summer to perform in their new all-singing, all dancing, all-talking, all-cooking SausageFest Show at the Sage Inn & Lounge .

Watch how these hilarious naive (!!!) pair find all sorts of new uses in the kitchen for what they find on the shelves of The Toys of Eros store, before they go hound Shane at Connie’s Bakery to see if his dough still rises.

Filmed by Amy Davies & Rik Ahlberg for P.T.V.


For tickets and information https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-calamari-sisters-sausagefest-tickets-23914188983

queerguru talks to the filmmakers of CHECK IT

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‘Check It’ is a powerful and somewhat shocking new documentary about a ‘gang’ of gay and transgender kids in one of Washington DC’s most notoriously tough neighborhoods who collectively decide to fight back against all the physical and mental abuse that is heaped on them as they strive to simply survive. A couple of adult activists offer them a glimmer of hope for a better future.

queerguru got to talk to the filmmakers Dana Flor & Toby Oppenheimer when the movie played at the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 recently.

Filmed for P.T.V. by Heather Reed.

Click HERE for queerguru’s review of the movie.


queerguru reviews Absolutely Fabulous : The Movie

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Absolutely Fabulous The Movie is …….. well absolutely fabulous, which is somewhat of a relief after the totally disastrous transfer from the small screen to the big one for the equally silly and very entertaining fashion-based comedy ‘Sex In The City’.  Of course now that Edina and Patsy are trying to convince us that 60 is the new 40 there are wrinkles everywhere, including in the script, but what Jennifer Saunders has still managed to capture so hilariously is that the whole over-hyped circus-like environment of the designer fashion industry is really too silly to be taken as serious as it is.

Filmed for P.T.V.

queerguru talks to Kiehl’s President Chris Salgardo

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queerguru caught up with Chris Salgardo President of Kiehls Since 1851 when he arrived in P. Town to enjoy one of his (and our) favorite summer highlights …. Bear Week.  We got to chat about much more than that however as we discussed his new book MANMADE, plus  the Kiehls/AmFAR LifeRide that will be passing through town next month, and  his whole approach to help changing the way we look whilst at the same time helping the communities that we live in.

Filmed in Kiehls Store by P.T.V. Director/Editor Amy Davies


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