

videos on all things queer cultural

Michele Ragussis : Quickies with Queerguru 1

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Food Network Star Chef Michele Ragussis who is now the Executive Chef at the Central House, in Provincetown’s Crown & Anchor chooses to cook her take of Tuna Tartar for a brand new series on PTV’s Channel 99 called Michele Ragussis : Quickies with Queerguru. Each episode over the summer Michele will show us how to eat delicious foods without having to spend too much time in the kitchen ….. as everybody in P.Town (and elsewhere) always loves a quickie.


Be sure to check back here, or sign on at www.queerguru.com, so you don’t miss a single episode.

Sebastian Junger talks about Hell on Earth

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The respected war journalist and Oscar nominated filmmaker Sebastian Junger  told queerguru that war is both futile and necessary. In a discussion about his latest powerful documentary Hell on Earth : The Fall of Syria & The Rise of Syria he talks about the devastating death and destruction and particularly on all the global consequences of this pernicious civil war. 

‘America always has been a country that has welcomed the desperate of the the world with open arms, and suddenly there is this idea that we won’t do that.  This country has never been attacked by a war refugee, that’s just not where the threat is .  I hope people see this film and realize that w should espouse a certain openness with the world where people can seek refuge here.’

The  interview was filmed in Provincetown by Hussein Wentz during #PIFF2017 for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.

Hell on Earth : The Fall of Syria & The Rise of ISIS is available on demand at http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/

Sarah Wharton talks about The Ring Thing

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When Sarah accidentally proposes to her girlfriend on a romantic beach in Provincetown she opens a whole floodgate of discussions and angst on marriage that neither of them had ever bargained for. Sarah Wharton (who plays Sarah) talks to queerguru about The Ring Thing a delightful dramedy that should be compulsory viewing for anyone contemplating same-sex (or any other type of) marriage

The interview at The Lands End Inn Provincetown during #PIFF2017 was filmed by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.


P.S. queerguru also talked to the filmmakers Will Sullivan & Derek Dodge a gay married couple, who based The Ring Thing on the story of their own lives :  you can check that out HERE.

You can also read queerguru’s full review of The Ring Thing HERE

Filmmaker Jason Benjamin talks about Suited (and more)

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Jason Benjamin the director of Suited one of THE best docs of 2016 which told the story of Bindle & Keep tailors who specialize in custom made clothing for genderqueer people and the trans community, talked to queerguru about the movie and more. He was at #PIFF2017 as the guest speaker at the Evan Lawson Filmmakers Brunch to discuss a new project with Veterans Filmmaking Academy and their short film Returning.

Filmed at Lands End Inn Provincetown during #PIFF2017 by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99


P.S. You can read queerguru’s full review of Suited HERE

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