

videos on all things queer cultural

‘Ask Shaz’ is an expert on everything : even lesbian sex

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On our recent investigative tour of the Alternative Queer scene in London’s East End, we caught up with one of the biggest and brightest queer performers who has been so instrumental in the movement.  Justin Hunt aka Dr. Sharon Husbands Ph.D is a co-founder of the infamous Ask Shaz Brunches at Dalston Superstore and the extremely successful Naked Boys Reading Salons,

When we met with this performer/producer/Professor we discovered that he also had his lesbian fingers in many other holes too.   Check out the hilarious interview that Sharon gave us just before she started to dispense more advice to her waiting Sunday crowd.


Elingur Thoroddsen talks about his gay horror movie RIFT

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When queerguru was recently at BFI Flare London’s LGBTQ Film Festival we talked to Icelandic filmmaker Erlingur Óttar Thoroddsen about his gay horror movie Rift / Rökkur which was screening there and is now available in the US we streaming on Amazon Prime and iTunes etc,  from Breaking Glass Pictures.

BTW Erlingur thinks that all gay break-ups are horror stories anyway! lol


Top 10 Best of The Rest @ Boston’s Wicked LGBTQ Film Festival

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It is already DAY 3 of Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival and if you missed the start, panic not, as there are still some amazing queer cinema to come in the next week. Here then are TEN TOP PICKS OF THE BEST OF THE REST: and if you like the look of any of these unmissable movies, then act quickly as they all do tend to sell out.

Check out http://www.wickedqueer.org for the complete Festival Schedule, and http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com for the full reviews of these, and another over 1000 queer movies.


Vincent Gagliostro talks about his movie AFTER LOUIE

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After Louie – A Film by Vincent Gagliostro has its NY Premiere today at Cinema Village and is also Available on Demand Everywhere on the usual streaming platforms.

The veteran gay activist/author/playwright Larry Kramer was right.  Again.  AFTER LOUIE is indeed a movie that had to be made. Filmmaker VINCENT GAGLIOSTRO talks about his directing debut with this powerful and entertaining inter-generational drama about AIDS. Starring ALAN CUMMING and ZACHARY BOOTH the story tackles how we are all coping now that the AIDS pandemic is no longer the lethal threat to us all that it once was.

Gagliostro told queerguru that After Louie is about getting that older generation to dare to dream again, and at the same time, getting the younger generation to just dream

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