

videos on all things queer cultural

Cameron Yates talks about his film on teenage prodigy Chef Flynn

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Queer filmmaker Cameron Yates whose latest fascinating documentary Chef Flynn about an extraordinary teenage prodigy who is setting the restaurant world alight talked to Queerguru about filming this wunderkind
The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed at the Provincetown Film Society & Festival and the movie will be released in US movie theaters in October by Kino Lorber


P.S. Queerguru would love you to bits if you did us one tiny favor.  Despite the fact that we have had almost 250K hits on YouTube (yeah!) they will not give us a single cent of the advertising money that they make off us until we have more subscribers.  Won’t cost you a dime,  but it will help support our site. Just simply click on the link below.  Thank you very much!  

Queerguru film MISS RICHFIELD 1981 as she films FACEBOOK LIVE

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After we filmed our own interview with the hilarious Miss Richfield 1981 (http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2018/06/29010) we followed her down to Hook Provincetown where she was about to film Facebook Live ostensibly to promote her Miss Richfield 1981 merchandise, but she cannot help cause chaos and throw shade at everyone …..including us.
Tonight she was dispensing Scotty Cakes but other nights she is appearing in her new show BORN AGAIN at Pilgrim House in PTown


P.S. Queerguru would love you to bits if you did us one tiny favor.  Despite the fact that we have had almost 250K hits on YouTube (yeah!) they will not give us a single cent of the advertising money that they make off us until we have more subscribers.  Won’t cost you a dime,  but it will help support our site. Just simply click on the link below.  Thank you very much!  

Filmmaker Ondi Timoner talks about Matt Smith’s electrifying performance as Mapplethorpe

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Ondi Timoner the only two-time recipient of Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize for documentaries talks about her new biopic #Mapplethorpe on the controversial queer photographer that stars Matt Smith.

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack for  www.queergurutv.com was filmed in the grounds of the Unitarian Church during Provincetown Film Society & Festival


P.S. Queerguru would love you to bits if you did us one tiny favor. Despite the fact that we have had almost 250K hits on You Tube (yeah!) they will not give us a single cent of the advertising money that they make off us until we have more subscribers. Won’t cost you a dime, but it will help support our site. Just simply click on the link below. Thank you very much!

On the Red Carpet at the Provincetown Film Festival

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The Provincetown Film Society & Festival may take film very seriously BUT the Festival itself is so much fun as queerguru found out when we manned the Red Carpet at the Opening Party for their 20th Anniversary at the Crown & Anchor.

Filmed by  Dan Desjardins and produced by Roger Walker-Dack for www.queergurutv.com


P.S. Queerguru would love you to bits if you did us one tiny favor.  Despite the fact that we have had almost 250K hits on You Tube (yeah!) they will not give us a single cent of the advertising money that they make off us until we have more subscribers.  Won’t cost you a dime,  but it will help support our site. Just simply click on the link below.  Thank you very much! 

The remarkable film about Ilhan Omar the 1st American Somali woman to be elected to Public Office

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Filmmaker Norah Shapiro talked to queerguru about her wonderfully uplifting documentary Time For Ilhan that is the story of an extraordinary Somali woman Ilhan Omar who, against seemingly insurmountable odds, was elected to the Minnesota State Legislature (Interestingly enough her campaign staff was packed full of gay men & women)

The interview was filmed with Roger Walker-Dack at Provincetown Film Society & Festival where it won the HBO Audience for Best Documentary

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