

videos on all things queer cultural


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Filmmaker Vlada Knowlton talks to Queerguru about The Most Dangerous Year her compelling documentary which covered 2016 when the transgender community in Washington State (and the rest of the US) were under threat.

Knowlton’s film is more emotional than others as one of the trans children she features is her own 5 year old daughter.  Hence the part of parents coming to terms with the realisation that they have a trans child is much more personal as she shares her experience of dealing with her initial ignorance and learning how to be supportive.

The film is currently playing in select US theaters and will be available on DVD/VOD later this month

Matthew Richardson talks about his CIRCUS QUEER/ART Project

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From the moment we were first bowled over with the sheer beauty of MATTHEW RICHARDSON’ new performance piece HALLELUJAH we knew that we had to find out the story behind it. Richardson, a former Cirque Du Soleil star is working on a project of CIRCUS QUEER/ART pieces which he explained to QUEERGURU when we tracked him down in Montreal are to to celebrate the beauty within our community, challenge social norms and start conversations. 
Matthew Richardson – Circus/Queer Art

Out gay wrestler FRED ROSSER talks about being honored for his advocacy

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WWE star wrestler Fred Rosser caused quite a stir when he came out as gay in 2013, since then he has continued wrestling and also has become an activist, rolemodel and advocate non-profit BURN THE HATE for which he was given Miami’s OUTshine Film Festival VANGUARD AWARD and also the Keys To The City. He talked to QUEERGURU about all this …..and his live and hopes.

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