

videos on all things queer cultural

LEE SQUARED : The Comeback Show

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The Award-Winning musical comedy duo LEE SQUARED have brought THE COMEBACK SHOW to PTown’s Pilgrim House for the whole summer season. As Ms Peggy Lee and Lee Liberace this extremely talented pair are just carrying on so perfectly where their namesakes left off. It’s a ‘marriage’ (!) made in a very glamorous and glittery heaven.

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Pilgrim House



Mrs Kasha Davis : There’s Always Time for a Cocktail

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Mrs Kasha Davis a Drag Race Alumni and a self proclaimed International Celebrity Housewife is back in PTown at the Pilgrim House FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY with There’s Always Time for a Cocktail,  her hilarious and touching autobiographical one-woman show.

She told all to QUEERGURU in an interview filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Pilgrim House




The Kinsey Sicks back in PTown with The Naked Drag Queens Show

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Celebrating 25 years as, America’s Favorite Dragapella® Beautyshop Quartet, THE KINSEY SICKS are back in Ptown after too long an absence. They are appearing at THE ART HOUSE all summer long with their hilarious new show NAKED DRAG QUEENS SINGING..

They took time out to talk about their show (and life in general) with QUEERGURU and also introduce Angel the newest member of the Group.

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Art House





Miss Conception on Being Back, Beaches (or was that Bitches?), Bulgarians and Bears,

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Toronto drag queen superstar (or as she likes to call herself, Female Delusionist Extraordinaire) the hilarious MISS CONCEPTION made such an impressive debut last summer at PTown’s Art House with her DISNEY SHOW, that she was immediately invited back for her second season this year.

With her new show TV LAND she is playing 10 of her favorite TV Diva’s that every gay man (and woman) adores .

MIss Conception sat down with QUEERGURU to talk about Being Back, Beaches (or was that Bitches?), Bulgarians and Bears

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed at The Pilgrim House by Dan Desjardins.  Video clips by Christina Army



Some More of Our Friends : PTown 2019

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Summer in #Ptown is alway about meeting old and new friends : here’s a few that have been in front of QUEERGURU cameras so far . Miss Richfield 1981, Marga Gomez, Andrew Ahn, Samantha Buck, Marie Schlingmann, #MattKane Joel Thurm, Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, Michael Childers, Carlo Mirabella-Davis, Dolly Wells, James Gavin, #emilyhubley Debra Eisenstadt #PaulDownsColazzo Provincetown Theater Provincetown Film Society & Festival, Miss Conception, Dixie Longate, Pam Ann, Branden & James, James Frederick, Greg Salvatori, Gaston Lacombe, Michael Joseph, Jake Diebert, McKenzie Miller


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