

videos on all things queer cultural

BEARLESQUE : a burlesque show full of bears baring their talents

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Bearlesque perform in Provincetown during Carnival


Bearlesque a body-positive burlesque made up mainly of bears, are losing their Provincetown Carnival Week ‘virginity’ next week by performing at Crown & Anchor for two nights.

Firm favorites with the crowds at BEAR WEEK in Provincetown for the past 3 years, their MC Josh Schonewolf talked to Quuerguru about how thrilled he is to be bringing some of his best and raunchiest acts back to town


Look who VARLA JEAN MERMAN ‘dragged’ into her audience last night

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Have you ever wondered what #Ptown Drag Queens do on a night off? Well they don their men/s attire for a while and go see one of their peer’s performing. Last night it was Varla Jean Merman show at Provincetown Art House Theatre that we caught sight of Bob The Drag QueenBenDeLaCreme, plus Miss Richfield 1981 (with her boyfriend ….hmmm)

Filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Art House 

Lea DeLaria talks about giving birth …..

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Three-time SAG Award Winner LEA DELARIA  and Boo Boo in OITNB, comedian, singer, actor and now bar owner talked to QUEERGURU about her new ‘baby’ THE CLUB which she has opened in PROVINCETOWN her home-from-home . It’s the place that she was once named MAYOR of by a dirty pervert in the sand dunes BACK IN THE 1980’S BUT that is another story!

Lea’s language is as colorful as her life and as she doesn’t hold back when enthusing about THE CLUB, so this interview is kind of NSFW.

Conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed on a sunny Sunday on the deck of The Club by Dan Desjardins

Lea DeLaria Opens Provincetown Club


VARLA JEAN MERMAN comes of ‘age’ with A Star is Bored

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Varla Jean Merman has starred in Lucky Guy on Broadway with Leslie Jordan in films like GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS with Miss Coco Peru, and she has performed at the Sydney Opera House & Carnegie Hall etc but her professional home is #Ptown. For her 21st Anniversary season here she pulled out all the stops with Varla Jean Merman in A Star Is Bored, June 21 – Sept. 6 in Ptown at Provincetown Art House Theatre

With sold out crowds every single night, and rave reviews, she has never been on better form and she talked with QUEERGURU in her Dressing Room about this, and married life, and how desperate she is for a coat of paint in her rather squashed quarters which are so unbefitting a Star.

VARLA JEAN MERMAN comes of ‘age’ with A Star is Bored

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins

UNITARD talk Badassy

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THE wildly twisted, outspoken, fabulous, tested, ready now, comedy group from NYC known as Unitard Comedy are making their annual performance at Provincetown Art House Theatre for TWO NIGHTS ONLY.

They talked with QUEERGURU ….. well two of them Nora Burns and David Ilku did, as usual Mike Albo was MIA.

The interview was conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Art House



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