

videos on all things queer cultural

TOM GOSS: Living his Dream

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Queerguru finally managed to track down Tom Goss the queer indie singer/songwriter who has been performing the most tender ballards for some years now to great acclaim. With seven albums under his belt. and just back from another long and very successful Tour promoting his new music he talked to us about that, and now also happily married, how he really is living his dream,



Laurie Lynd and the Truth about Patient Zero

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Queerguru talks with filmmaker LAURIE LYND whose powerful new documentary Killing Patient Zero the story of the AIDS epidemic and the man wrongly accused of starting it. It’s way past time we all know the truth and acknowledge for the heroic role he played.

The film can be viewed very shortly in Canada and hopefully in the US and other parts of the World in 2020.  Keep watching this space  



Zachary Balber : Jews With Tattoos

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We kicked off our ART BASEL coverage really early  this year  when we went to the Opening of Miami based photographer Zachary Balber stunning exhibit TAMIM at Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU , and we managed to get a few words with the ebullient and disarmingly charming man himself.

Balber explained that the Hebrew word TAMIM translates as “pure”, “unblemished”, and “complete”. In his  photos he presents images of men, all Jewish themselves, who whether disenfranchised, marginalized, tormented by hurt or simply for vanity, sought to change their outward appearances. Balber engaged the subjects of the photo series in addressing their own Jewish identities by including his personal Bar Mitzvah Kippah in all of the photos.

Balber connected with the men he photographed while rediscovering his own heritage. Some of the photos in the series depict members of his family who influenced his search for his Jewish identity , however Balber himself has no tattoos.



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Queer Cinema in Australia is a major resource for some of the very best queer narrative features and documentaries that are around today. We try and watch as many as we can and have drawn up a list of our favorites in QUEERURU’S TOP 10 QUEER FILMS FROM DOWN UNDER all of which (bar maybe one) that can now be viewed streaming on or DVD in most places around the Globe 

Black DivazBallroom RulesGayby BabyHolding The Man FilmRemembering the Man#PulseFilmScrum (film)Teenage Kicks (film)Women He’s UndressedThe Coming Back Out Ball MovieThe Dream Children – The Movie [Fan Page]

B. Proud talks about Transcending Love

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Photographer Barbara Proud has followed her highly successful First Comes Love Project with Transcending Love – Portraits of Transgender Couples by B. Proud.

Queerguru talked with her about this celebration of transgender lives with her stunning portraits as the Exhibit opened at Stonewall National Museum & Archives in Wilton Manors, Florida

The interview was conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed by Dan Desjardins.

The Exhibit will run until February 16h 2020


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