

videos on all things queer cultural

How ‘P.S Burn This Letter Please’ is set to become one of the best new docs on queer history

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Queerguru talks with filmmakers directors/writers/producers  Michael Seligman & Jennifer Tiexiera about their exhilarating new doc P.S. Burn this Letter Please about a whole treasure trove of letters from NY drag queens in the 1950/60’s that have just been discovered.  It shows a wonderful slice of queer history pre-Stonewall that has never been documented in such glorious detail


The movie, produced by Craig Olsen & Richard Konigsberg is having a special Drive In Screening at Outfest Virtual Film Fest this weekend + can also be streamed on line




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Matt Fifer talks about the his debut feature film : the queer coming-out drama CICADA

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Queerguru caught up with queer filmmaker MATT FIFER to talk about his debut feature film CICADA which is screening at Outfest Virtual Film Fest.

Fifer wrote, co-directed and starred in this drama which is a tale of overcoming trauma to finding happiness


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Back to carefree days : PTown Carnival + Drag Brunch 2019

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For the past 41 years PROVINCETOWN’S ANNUAL CARNIVAL is one of the highlights of the town’s year. The Floats themselves are almost after thoughts as by far the best part of the day is the fabulous PEOPLE PARADE when from midday on groups of exquisitely and uniquely costumed men and women just troll up and down the length and breadth of Commercial Street.

The theme for 2019 was ENCHANTED FOREST which everyone interpreted in the most inspired and fantastic manners, with most of the men focusing on wearing as little as possible.


For the past 15 years the ANNUAL DRAG BRUNCH at PATIOS AMERICAN BAR & GRILL has become one of the highlights of PROVINCETOWN CARNIVAL WEEK.

This fundraising event for Helping Our Women hosted by the indefatigable MISS RICHFIELD 1981 has already raised iver $250000 (even before today’s $60K+ is .added). With its packed room full of creatively dressed queens who have traveled far and wide to attend to watch some ‘spirited’ and decidedly amateurish performances, this sold-out Brunch in 2019 was  a riot from start to finish.



Filmed by Dan Desjardins
Edited and Produced by Roger Walker-Dack

Queerguru At The Movies : Outfest LA 2020

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Like most queer film festivals this years Outfest Los Angeles will go Virtual with online screenings of all their movies available globally for the first time in their history . This year their 11 day festival features 160+ films and is their most inclusive and diverse festival in history – with over 70% of films directed by women, trans, and people-of-color.


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