

videos on all things queer cultural

Adam Carver cannot hide his enthusiasm for The Palaver Project …..here’s why

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Adam Carver aka #FattButcher a Brit award-winning performer & cultural activist is presenting Palaver Project celebrating the radical potential of #LGBTQ+ inclusive performance work specifically created for children aged 3-8 and family audiences. at Cambridge Junction.

The ebullient Carver shared his enormous passion for the Project in this interview with Queerguru




Fiona Goodwin : A Very British Lesbian

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Fiona Goodwin was a Nun in Honduras. a kindergarten teacher in Italy, a behavior specialist on the TV show “Britain’s Worst Teenager etc. This practicing psychotherapist and life coach is also a wonderfully funny woman. To top it all she is A VERY BRITISH LESBIAN which is the name of her smash-hit one-woman show that she is about to bring to #Ptowns Pilgrim House for 4 nights during Provincetown Women’s Week. She told QUEERGURU all about it


Curator David Kaplan talks about Provincetown’s Tennessee Williams Fest

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With the 16th Edition of the prestigious Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival about to start, Queerguru sat down with Curator David Kaplan to take about this year’s exciting and diverse program


Tennessee Williams & Censorship
Sep 23 – 26, 2021



Melissa Manchester back in PTown by (very) Popular Demand

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Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Melissa Manchester is heading back to #PTown her-home-from-home to perform at Post Office Cafe and Cabaret for THREE nights this week. Queerguru caught up with her to find out what she has been up too, and to discover what we can expect to see and hear: check out our video.



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