

videos on all things queer cultural

Ryan Cooke Spins a very Good Yarn or Two

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is the first new knitting and yarn store in P.Town for the past 40 years, and Ryan Cooke the creative force behind this new venture talks to queerguru for P.T.V. about why he is going to make this the Town’s new destination for knitting newbies and seasoned sweater makers alike. Ryan assures us (with a big smile on his face) that this new knitting phenomena is just as popular with (cute) men as it is with ladies of a certain age.

After we learn all about his speciality yarns we catch up with some members of an unofficial knitting circle that meets at Joe’s Coffee Shop in P Town every afternoon.

Filmed and Edited for P.T.V. by Judy Rolfe  

Varla Jean Merman : The Lady Who Cannot Say No

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Varla Jean Merman has a very dirty laugh.  We managed to grab some alone time  (well, with our cameras) with this Southern Gal turned Super Star who regaled us with (some of) the dirt from her summer starring in her hilarious new show ‘A Little White Music’ at the Arthouse in P.Town.  Miss Merman admits that she is a lady who just cannot say ‘no’ ( and we are not talking about her hot new beau Jessie),  as she said yes again to Ryan Landry and is co-starring with him in his parody ‘Brown Is The New Pink’, plus directing Well Strung in their new summer show too. 

Now in her 18th year performing in P Town, Varla Jean Merman is considered ‘Royalty’ by the  crowds who pack her shows every night, but that still doesn’t stop het acting less of a lady when the mood takes her. Check out the interview and you’ll see just why P Town cannot get enough of this disarmingly charming 6’2′ redhead hunk in a frock.


Varla Jean Merman on Whatever Happened to Mrs Danvers

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Varla Jean Screen

The actress, chanteuse, fashion icon and superstar Varla Jean Merman is one really busy lady these days.  Back  in P.Town starring in her brand new show called A Little White Music (critics rave that it is her best one yet) 
, co-starring with Ryan Landry in Brown is The New Pink a parody of the hit TV series, and also directing the boys of Well Strung in their new show Strings Attached and all at the ArtHouse.

Miss Merman is still not to busy to be ruthless however when need be, so she sat down with queerguru the other evening to talk about whatever happened to Mrs Danvers and other hilarious stories from her summer so far.  The whole interview will go live and be aired on P.T.V. (and here ) very soon when our Editor stops laughing. Meanwhile here is a wee clip of our conversation with one of P Town’s Royalty and our favorite 6’2″ redhead in a dress.

Filmed by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V. at The Anchor Inn Beach House, Provincetown.

For details & tickets for all of Varla’s Shows click HERE


Gilles Marini talks about #Liferide7 & P.Town too

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Gilles screenshot

The great 18th Century English writer Samuel Johnson once famously wrote “when a man is tired on London, he is tired of life.” queerguru feels the same about P Town but as mid-summer fatigue sets in with some residents here, it is so heartening how a fresh set of eyes reminds us (yet again) how magical our town really is. Take a look & listen at actor Gilles Marini (Sex & The City, Brothers & Sisters, Dancing With The Stars) in town as one of the bikers taking part in Kiehls #Liferide7 that is raising funds and awareness to help amFAR Make Aids History and support the AIDS Support Group  of Cape Cod too.

A charming Marini waxed lyrically about the Event and P Town in particular and told queerguru ‘If the World was more like P Town, it would definitely be a better place”.



queerguru with Judy Rolfe filmed the whole #Liferide7 visit to P Town for P.T.V. and our video of the event with interviews with ALL the stars will go live as soon as we can finish editing it.

Kiehls LifeRide7 to help amFAR Make Aids History

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queerguru’s hat is off to Chris Salgardo President of Kiehls Since 1851, as not only did he pull off another spectacular and highly successful LifeRide fundraising event for amFAR, but we soon discovered when he and his fellow riders rolled into Provincetown this morning, that everybody involved was having such a blast as well.

Salgardo was accompanied by some of his celebrity buddies on this 11 day trip, but as we interviewed them all for P.T.V, it was very clear that he hardly had to twist their arms to go biking with him.

We’ll have our full report on the fun time they (and we) had, and exactly how much money and awareness that they made, and about their support for the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod, as soon as our editor has spun their magic with all the footage we shot. Meanwhile as a teaser trailer here is our interview with one of LifeRide’s regular riders Ben Cohen the ex England Rugby Player, now an activist and Founder of The Ben Cohen Stand Up Foundation (that combats bullying) ….. and a Throughly Nice Chap too.

Filmed for P.T.V. by Judy Rolfe 


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