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JACK TRACY on History

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Jack Tracy the creator/director/star of the hit #LGBT web series #History from Necessary Outlet shares with us all the drama/hilarity of dating (& breaking up) in NY that is at the heart of his funny show. Both Season 1 and the new Season 2 are now available to view for FREE on YouTube

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack for queerguru tv was filmed via Facetime.


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Olympic Diving Champion Greg Louganis has never stopped making a splash all his life and in recent years it has been as an outstanding LGBT activist and an exemplary HIV awareness advocate for which Equality Florida have given him their highest honor THE VOICE FOR EQUALITY AWARD. We tracked him down to his home in California to talk about this …. and love and life too. He is a disarmingly charming man, but most of all he is an American Hero.

“The Equality Florida Broward gala where Greg will be accepting his Award takes place on Sunday, November 12. Click here for tickets and information.” http://www.eqfl.org/browardgala

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed for www.queergurutv.com


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