
Queerguru has an Audience with SISTER MARY to talk about her award-winning show she has brought from London to Provincetown

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Its a long journey from the steps of St Peter’s of the Sister’s of the Third Removed, in the heart of London’s West End, but that is where Sister Mary‘s journey started many (many!) years ago It is rumored that she is the secret love child of West End musical theatre star Elaine Paige and from her she developed her love of showtunes, telling stories and making homemade flapjacks.

A few years ago she put a ‘iittle entertainment together’ which she took to Edinburgh’s legendary Fringe Festival where she picked up rave reviews and Adam Weinstock. He made Sister an offer she couldn’t refuse, and he has brought her to perform in his home town (and ours too) Provincetown. (And who said Catholics and Jews cannot mix?)

Thus when she arrived here this weekend to start her month’s run at the REDROOM , and so she and her long-suffering side kick Brother Matthew, sat down with Queerguru outside the UU church to spread the news (and a wee bit of gossip too).

She assured us personally that the show was singing and her unique style of comedy. No pulpit. No psalms. No prayers. She’s not that kind of nun. Sister Mary is here to spread love and musical joy and that’s exactly what she is going to do

Video was filmed by Dan DesJardins

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