
Mark Farrelly talks about his two hit plays about queer icons QUENTIN CRISP and DEREK JARMAN

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Mark Farrelly is a Brit actor and writer who has created and starred in three stunning plays about three remarkable queer icons. He has performed them to great acclaim in the West End and on Tour over 400 times now. He is about to bring a double bill of them to London’s Wiltons Music Hall and so Queerguru talked with him about QUENTIN CRISP; NAKED HOPE and also JARMAN … about the artist, film-maker, gardener and activist Derek Jarman

Both Crisp and Jarman were influential figures in the evolution of the queer movement and helped many of us shape our own queer destinies.



Married filmmakers Andy & Danny Valentine talk about THE MATTACHINE FAMILY a story about gay parenting

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Danny Valentine and his husband Andy talked to Queerguru about their exceptional new movie THE MATTACHINE FAMILY.  Named after the very first gay rights group, the film is based on their own experiences as a couple planning parenthood. Given the current contentious political climate, this story that explores contemporary queer parenting is both brave and heartbreaking, and you find yourself inadvertently routing for them every inch of the way. Even non-paternal types like our Editor who conducted the interview on the eve of the film screening at OUTFEST in LA


Migguel Anggelo bares all in his spectacular one man show LATINXOXO

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Migguel Anggelo is a transdisciplinary performing artist. He invokes muses from art history, harnessing this lineage in effortlessly forward-thinking ways. and magically combines them with his journeys as a Latino immigrant and a queer man:. He has an unceasing supply of energy and it is as infectious as his passion for his art. His natural charisma perpetuates all his performances and makes his talent shine even brighter.

Happy performing to sold-out audiences at Joe’s Pub or the Lincoln Center in his adopted home town NY, However, Queerguru last caught up with one of our very favorite artists as he was about to take his show LATINXOX around the US including our winter hometown of Miami.  Now he is making tracks to California with shows in Ronart Park on Oct 12,  San Francisco Oct 14 and 15th and Orange Park Acres on Oct 19th.  When you see him be sure to give him our love





Mike Syers and Fermin Rojas talk about THERE ARE THINGS TO DO

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There Are Things To Do: a Celebration of the Life of URVASHI VAID ….. an extraordinary human being and a queer icon: a short film made by Ptown filmmakers Mike Syers and Fermin Rojas IT not only celebrates her life but also makes us very aware of how much she actually achieved to benefit the LGBTQ community globally. The documentary simply doesn’t have the time to list the many steps of her highly successful career or e\qually mind-blowing are the 13 very prestigious Awards that she was deservedly honored with. What does particularly shine through from the very first frame, is Vaid’s extraordinary sheer unselfishness …… and her joyous relationship with her wife and partner Kate Clinton.

The word icon is greatly overused in the LGBTQ+ community ……. and I believe Urvashi Vaid would hate being called one ….. but she is undoubtedly one. This is a must-see film for anyone who loves PTown and Urvashi Vaid



P.S.  You may also like to check out Queerguru’s full review of the film HERE

Author, Journalist and Activist Paul Burston talks about his memoir “WE CAN BE HEROES”

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When you read a resume like PAUL BURSTON‘s you feel (a) totally exhausted and (b) that you really should achieve more with your own life! He’s a journalist, author, activist, one-time editor, and founder and host of POLARI the LGBTQ+ literary salon. Before we started talking to him we knew a little about his life as he had been one of the participants of Alexis Gregory‘s stunning verbatim piece Riot Act. We are still a little unsure why we had not tied him down for an interview, particularly as he is very much a significant figure in the UK”s queer community …….. and in fact in 2016, he featured in the British Council’s Global List of ‘33 visionary people promoting freedom, equality and LGBT rights around the world.. So when his memoir We Can Be Heroes was recently published it seemed the perfect time to catch up with this fascinating charming man of letters


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