

videos on all things queer cultural

Queerguru goes people watching at Miami Beach Pride 2022

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Most places in the US celebrate PRIDE in June, except for Miami Beach because it is far too hot. And we are talking weather … (and maybe the skimpy clad men that take to the sands to party away). So Pride is in April in this happening city with its significant diverse international LGBTQ+ community. The unique make-up of local residents who call Miami home creates the need to celebrate Pride in a style that reflects both the culture and the joie de vivre of such a dynamic city.


This year the theme for Miami Beach Pride was ‘There’s No Place LIke Home’ and the QUEERGURU Team spent the whole afternoon ‘people watching’ and this is what they saw ….


Images : Barbara Hulanicki, Steven Bitkower , Richard Bolton and Stubby Lanza


Mackenzie Miller: fulfilling their Dream

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Nine years ago Mackenzie Miller left BIG-CITY living to move to Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod an idyllic gay mecca that is overflowing in the summer and then dwindles down to just a few thousand in winter when the weather can be unforgiving. However, this rather magical town has a long history of encouraging all forms of artists to follow their dreams and that is exactly what Mackenzie has done so exceedingly well as they now revel in being able to perform for a living.

Queerguru caught up with them on the eve of their latest show 420 HEEENNNY 2.0 HD  at the Crown And Anchor when they shares the stage with Austin Tyler, Mona Mour, Jonathan Hawkins, Anne Hutchinson, Roxy Pops, Hamilton Fish, Lady Prism, Abby Cummings, Oya Crystal, and João Pedro Santos


Bourgeois and Maurice : Pleasure Seekers talk to Queerguru

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When Queerguru first interviewed Bourgeois & Maurice back in 2016 we wrote they  “are a couple of sequin-clad weirdos who may in fact just be one of best pair of performance artists we have seen in a very long time”  We’ve been following these award-winning musical satirists with a penchant for the dark side ever since.

This latest interview was on the morning after the sold-out premiere of their latest show PLEASURE SEEKERS at London’s Soho Theatre. Queerguru talked to the tired pair about their exhilarating and rather wicked show which will be running for the whole of next month.

P.s. You can also read a full review of the show  from Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden  at https://bit.ly/3ujut1l


Cosplay has become really trendy lately – but is it right for us …….or you?

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When we read that Jamie Lee Curtis was getting in costume to officiate her daughter’s cos-play wedding we got very intrigued.  If cos-play is going to be big, then we need to know.  So we asked style guru Kiyo Ohara the President of Dragon 88 one of LA’s hottest design firms to tell us more as she is quite the fan.   “I love cosplay it’s a cross of fashion meets fantasy. These fans emulate their favorite characters from the costume to extensive accessories to hair/wigs and make-up! They even have Handlers that carry their accessories like swords, helmets, and capes and give out cards with their hashtags and social media accounts. They may not have a red carpet like the Oscars but who needs one in the virtual world!”

BUT what actually is cos-play  “Think Halloween costume but all year-round and then dial it up to 11 – that sort of comes close to what cosplay ”  She added “some cosplayers may also go above and beyond copying their character’s outfits – they might even ‘role-play’ as characters, copying their mannerisms and gestures”

Hmmm.    So we asked her to go to a big cosplay gathering  …….WonderCon in Anaheim …. and snap a few shots, and here they are.   


P.S. we still think we are going to sit this fad out ……. at least for the time being

The Sparks @ The Town Hall, NY

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All of the QUEERGURU Team are very passionate about what they like (and dislike) and with Glenn John our newest Contributor it’s 1980’s Brit Music (think Marc Almond) so we asked him to film the iconic duo The Sparks Brothers who were making a rare appearance at The Town Hall in NY, but he got a tad too excited, nevertheless this wee video reminds us of what fab musicians they really are



P.S. If you want to see more of The Sparks be sure to check out their 2021 movie that is streaming on Netflix 


Review by Glenn John

Once upon a loooong time ago, Glenn moved from NYC to Bangkok (pre-covid, the most-visited city on Earth 
- Forbes mag.et al)  and suddenly he wants to let everyone know a bit more about Thailand (per capita, the queerest 
country on Earth - his stats) and maybe some of the LGBTQI+ happenings in the neighboring countries also.

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