

videos on all things queer cultural

queerguru talks POLITICAL ANIMALS with Sen Carole Migden & Tracy Wares.

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During the recent Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 queerguru got to pursue three of our favorite passions all rolled into one i.e. movies, LGBT history and politics.  Prior to the screening of a brand new documentary POLITICAL ANIMALS (click the link for our full review) we got to sit down to talk with Tracy Wares one of the movie’s co directors, and one of its stars Senator Carole Migden.

The Senator was one of four openly gay politicians …. all women … who rocked the very foundations of the California Legislature way back when as they successfully battled away to get our community some basic equal rights that would eventually pave the way for us to get these on a Federal Level too.

In this interview for P.T.V. filmed at the Sage Inn & Lounge in P Town by Rik Ahlberg and Heather Reed (who also edited it too) we get to talk about how this compelling story about these extraordinary pioneers came to be documented.  We also got the Senator to not just reminisce about the past, but share with us her thoughts on what we still need to do as a Community too. 

Political Animals doesn’t just recount this essential part of our recent history, but is also serves to act as a tribute to these four fearless women who we will always be so indebted too.

queerguru goes shopping for a Mate in P.Town

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The one thing everyone always takes away from P. Town every single summer is a T Shirt that announces to the world that you were lucky enough to vacation here. If you are even luckier you may get a new mate (or two) as well.

queerguru got both when we stumbled on a brand new store called MATE run by designer Paul Nesbit that we, and several others, instantly fell in love with. Take a look and you’ll see why.

Filmed by Rik Ahlberg for P.T.V. 

The Calamari Sisters search for Sausages (in all the wrong places)

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queerguru went shopping this week and bumped into Delphine and Carmela ….known to the world as the (in) famous Calamari Sisters.  They had stumbled into The Toys of Eros looking for sausages to use in their brand new SAUSAGEFEST show playing at The Sage Inn & Lounge all this summer.  They were somehow under the impression that this was a kitchen utensil store and took great delight in showing me how they planned to use all the ‘unusual’ toys.

Here’s a teaser trailer of our hilarious encounter  …… we’ll publish the whole thing when our editor can stop laughing.  

Filmed for PTV by Rik Ahlberg & Amy Davies 


queerguru talks to Daphne Pinkerson about CLASS DIVIDE

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queerguru talks to Daphne Pinkerson producer of a new HBO Documentary directed by Marc Levin called CLASS DIVIDE about class division and hyper-gentrification in the West Chelsea neighborhood of New York City and its effects on public housing.

Filmed by Amy Davies for P.T.V. at Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16


Happy Birthday Tab Hunter

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When Tab Hunter swung through P.Town recently to launch the kickoff of Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 he sat down with queerguru for P.T.V. one sunny afternoon to talk about his rather extraordinary life since he was Hollywood’s biggest Box Office Star in the 1950’s. This totally disarmingly charming man who celebrates his 85th Birthday today (July 11th) is an old-fashioned extremely handsome gentleman who whilst he may not like to kiss-and-tell, he did take time to share stories of both the good old days, and the even more exciting ones that followed.

We also got to spend some time with producer Allan Glaser, Tab’s partner for the past 30 years, and that interview will be published very soon.

The award-winning documentary Tab Hunter Confidential directed by Jeffrey Schwarz is now available on I-Tunes and other streaming platforms.


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