

videos on all things queer cultural

Will Sullivan & Derek Dodge on The Ring Thing

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Filmmakers Will Sullivan and Derek Dodge are one of (at least) two LGBT married couples who are presenting films at this year’s Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF2017.  Their movie The Ring Thing is a drama about same-sex marriage and is based on their own lives and their experiences BUT they took the unusual step of having two lesbian protagonists play them.

They talked via Facetime about their life and love and marriage and how it all ended up on the big screen  as part of queerguru reports ‘Summer of Love and Marriage‘ series for PTV’s Channel 99.










For details of their screening check out https://www.provincetownfilm.org/festival/or http://www.theringthingmovie.com.

For our full review of the move check out http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2017/05/the-ring-thing


Summer of Love & Marriage : BridePride 2017

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The center point of what we are calling P.Town’s Summer of Love and Marriage is this year’s BridePride the world’s largest all-girl wedding. After the phenomenal success of the inaugural event last year, the indefatigable organizers Alli Baldwin and Ilene Mitnick of Roux Guest House are determined to make it bigger, better and twice as much fun. They have moved the ceremony to P Town’s iconic Pilgrim Monument with its stunning views of the whole city, and this is where they sat down with queerguru to talk about their exciting plans for the July event. Well some of them, as the two of them are determined to keep some surprises for all the brides-to-be and all the couples renewing their vows. They would not even deny or confirm if the Minister for the Day the Rev Kate Clinton would in fact be abseiling down the side of the tower as rumored, but either way, we all know that she will make her own grand entrance as usual.

One snippet they did reveal that is  any local gals ……i.e. those with an 02657 zip code …..will be welcome to join the Vow Renewal Ceremony FREE.




P.S. If you are still thinking of popping the question to the person who makes you heart flutter, you may want to check out our very recent interview with Evan Wolfson the Founder and Director of Freedom To Marry. If it wasn’t for Evan + his colleagues,  LGBT marriages would simply not exist.

Shaleece Haas talks about the award-winning Real Boy

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Any documentary that makes a contribution to the continuing transgender dialogue is important, but when it is as poignant and compelling as ‘Real Boy’,  then it can play a significant role in nurturing more understanding and acceptance both within the community and society at large.

Shaleece Haas the writer/director of this multi-award winning movie talked to queerguru about telling the tale of 19 year old trans man Bennett Wallace as he goes on the sometimes difficult journey of transitioning.  Ben is a sheer delight and is refreshingly open and honest about his many lows, as well as his highs, and Shaleece explained to us what it was like being able to share his story.

The movie will be screened on PBS’s Independent Lens on June 19th at 10pm, and soon afterwards will be available on DVD/VOD via www.realboy.com

The interview was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99

queerguru reviews Amadeus

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queerguru reviews the Provincetown Theater’s production of Peter Shaffer’s Tony Award Winning play AMADEUS : a highly fictionalized biography of the lives of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his rival composer Antonio Salieri. Starring Billy Hough and James P Byrne who also directed.

The review was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.


Kristen Becker talks about The Summer of Sass

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There’s not many times when queerguru literally takes (0ne of his many) hats off, but Kristen Becker’s truly wonderful new scheme is something that we are so totally smitten with, we couldn’t stop ourselves.  This out  …. and very loud …… lesbian comedian who has made Provincetown her home for a few years now, has started a project to help some of the disadvantaged LGBT youth from Louisiana where she originally hailed from.  Now the third one has just arrived to spend the summer in Provincetown, which is bound to be real life-affirming experience, Kristen took time to sit down with queerguru to talk all about The Summer of Sass.

The interview was recorded by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports‘ on PTV’s Channel 99.




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