
MIGGUEL ANGGELO : An Unrestrained Talent

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Queerguru got to meet the multi-talented Venezuelan performer Migguel Anggelo who is a fireball of energy and is brimming with his infectious passion and unbridled charm as he talked about his One-Man-Show WELCOME TO LA MISA, BABY directed by David Drake that he is bringing to the Provincetown Theater for Two Nights Only. It’s a Show that you will so not want to miss


Migguel Anggelo bares all in his spectacular one man show LATINXOXO

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Migguel Anggelo is a transdisciplinary performing artist. He invokes muses from art history, harnessing this lineage in effortlessly forward-thinking ways. and magically combines them with his journeys as a Latino immigrant and a queer man:. He has an unceasing supply of energy and it is as infectious as his passion for his art. His natural charisma perpetuates all his performances and makes his talent shine even brighter.

Happy performing to sold-out audiences at Joe’s Pub or the Lincoln Center in his adopted home town NY, However, Queerguru last caught up with one of our very favorite artists as he was about to take his show LATINXOX around the US including our winter hometown of Miami.  Now he is making tracks to California with shows in Ronart Park on Oct 12,  San Francisco Oct 14 and 15th and Orange Park Acres on Oct 19th.  When you see him be sure to give him our love





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