
Queer auteur BRUCE LaBRUCE ‘Filmmaker On The Edge’ talks with Queerguru

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Photo by Camo Delgado Aguilera


The Canadian auteur Bruce LaBruce is one of the very best queer filmmakers:  part queercore, part queer punk, part pornographer …… (who actually hates labels…..), and who is always pushing the envelope with his work. He combines more conventional narrative and filmmaking techniques with his appetite interest for extreme topics, and many have explicit sexual content at a time when other filmmakers are no longer prepared to challenge the norm. LaBruce is a fearless creative and his influence and contribution to queer cinema is substantial and one of the reasons the Provincetown Film Festival honored him with their Filmmaker On The Edge Award

And why Queerguru jumped at the chance to sit down and talk with him: it’s not every day you get a chance to meet a queer icon ……


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One of the sheer pleasures we have at QUEERGURU is both following and supporting some of the queer passion projects that show our community at its very best.  No better example of this is the Provincetown edition of Art Gaysel.

It’s the creation of queer  Miami hotelier, art lover, and philanthropist Alex Guerra who with his husband Stephen Ginez decided to support queer artists and their work by mounting a satellite show in their Miami Hotel when the major (and very straight) ART BASEL arrived every December.

ART Gaysel didn’t just provide a space for these artists to promote and sell their art, but also a much-needed platform for queer artists to communicate, and even collaborate, with each other. 

Then when Guerra and GInez fell in love with Provincetown a couple of years ago and ended up buying a house here, they wanted to start a Provincetown edition of Art Gaysel.  There has always been a wonderful art colony in PTown but there is still a significant shortage of edgy queer art ….. the genre that Guerra is such a passionate specialist in.

Now in its second year, Art Gaysel PTown filled the entire Crews Quarters with a wonderfully diverse collection of artists, and as usual, Queerguru was there with our Camera crew.  The  moment  we entered the Show we were sept away with both the sheer electricity of the passion and the camaraderie that feels the hallways making our visit such a sheer joy.


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Queerguru goes to RIO and the Mother of All Carnivals

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After Queerguru covered a lot of the fab World Pride/Mardi Gras in Sydney Australia last month, we wanted to turn our focus to the Mother of All Carnivals In RIO DE JANEIRO. During the Pandemic the City put the celebrations on hold but NOW IT’S BACK BIG TIME.

Queerguru’s newest correspondent MIKE ROLOFF was so happy to be back in Brazil, and here’s a wee slice of Carnival seen through his lens


Queerguru joins the partygoers at the Winter Party on Miami Beach and …….well

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Miami Beach is a real party town and one of the very best is the annual WINTER PARTY FESTIVAL. This year is destined to be even better than usual as they are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the organizers the National LGBTQ Task Force. This week-long festival……from March 1st – 7th…. is an annual dance and music festival that will feature a fabulous diverse mix of people, music, and entertainment.

We sent the QUEERGURU to check out the Sunday Afternoon Beach Party where the dress code is ‘wear minimum or less.’ . The only snag was that when the Bars opened our Team swapped their cameras for cocktails and never looked back. So the film has plenty of scantily clad bodies but none of the dancing. I’m told that’s what you get when don’t pay Sunday Overtime..


Queerguru talks with Agniia Gladanova & Igor Myakotin about their new documentary QUEENDOM

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Agniia Gladanova & Igor Myakotin talk to Queerguru about their new documentary QUEENDOM which is the story of Gena, a queer artist from a small town in Russia, stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism – and put her life in danger.

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at Provincetown International Film Festival

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