
Photographer BOBBY MILLER talks about his new Exhibit at AMP Ptown

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The photographer Bobby Miller who is also a performance poet, writer, actor is taking part in a new Group Show at AMP: Art Market Provincetown This particular body of work covers some of his early photographs of NY in the 70’s & 80’s , and also images from his highly successful PTOWN PEEPS series.

He talked with QUEERGURU at AMP Gallery which was filmed by Dan Desjardins


P.S. You may want to check our our interview with Bobby Miller from last year  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2018/09/bobby-miller-reminisces-about-warhol-lady-bunny-indian-larry-mapplethorpe-and-some-of-the-cast-of-characters-in-his-life-so-far

PTown Queer Art : 4 New Shows

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Provincetown has always had a vibrant art colony which specialises in the Cape Cod school of art style.  However there is an emerging new queer art scene with artists producing more contemporary, forward thinking art that is decidedly queer .

As part of QUEERGURU’S continuing investigations we visited three PTown galleries with new Shows that fit in perfectly with this movement

Andrew Moncrief and Chris Lopez at ON CENTER GALLERY
Juan Carlos Castaneda  at ADAM PECK GALLERY

Filmed by Dan Desjardins 


Shann Treadwell talks about his Art

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For the past few years when Shånn Treadwell was a barman at Boatslip Resort and A-HOUSE in PTown he was practicing his art in his downtime. Now he has finally been able to fulfill his dream and do his art full time and open #TreadwellGallery in town. Queerguru stopped by to talk with him and check out his stunning collage portraiture of Drag Queens.

The interview was conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed by Dan Desjardins.



Strosberg Mandel : Queer Art’s Odd Couple

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New York artists Serge Strosberg and David Mandel who collaborate as Strosberg Mandel produce a whole body of extraordinarily beautiful queer art that fuses the visual language of Flemish and German portraiture with fantasy jewelry and fabric design. Queerguru spoke with the delightful pair at their Booth at Superfine – The Fair In Miami Beach

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Richard Bolton for QUEERGURU TV.

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