
Evan Wolfson on FREEDOM TO MARRY

Evan Wolfson, the founder and president of Freedom to Marry, a group that worked for same-sex marriage, and who is considered by many to be the father and leader of the LGBT marriage movement, talked to queerguru on the occasion of the digital launch of Freedom To Marry Movie, and we re-visit it now that the documentary is now … Continue reading

Evan Wolfson on The Freedom To Marry

As part of P Town’s Summer of Love and Marriage, queerguru gets to talk to the leading gay activist Evan Wolfson known to many simply as ‘the marriage guy’. Wolfson  is the founder and president of Freedom to Marry, a group that became a major driving force same-sex marriage in the United States. He is the visionary … Continue reading

Evelyn Markus warns us that Never Again is Now

  Queerguru talks with EVELYN MARKUS a Dutch Jewish lesbian whose parents survived the Holocaust and so concerned about the rise of anti-semitism in Holland, moved to the US with her partner is Rosa in 2004 only to discover the situation was no better there. She documented her journey in her first ever film NEVER AGAIN … Continue reading

Even the thought of sharks couldn’t stop PTown’s Annual SWIM FOR LIFE being another roaring success

  Despite all the talk of shark sightings in the Ocean this year the 31st Annual Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life + Paddler Flotilla still attracted some 400 swimmers from across the US making this iconic fundraiser such a joyous celebration of life.  The 1.4 miles swim  from LongPoint Lighthouse across the bay to the Boatslip Inn … Continue reading

Everett Arthur is Well Suited

queerguru talks to Everett Arthur one of the participants of the new HBO Documentary SUITED  the remarkable uplifting story of Bindle and Keep a small tailoring company in New York who are part of whole new growing breed of clothiers who cater specifically for the transgender community. The movie was screened as part of Provincetown International … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:13


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