
Shaleece Haas talks about the award-winning Real Boy

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Any documentary that makes a contribution to the continuing transgender dialogue is important, but when it is as poignant and compelling as ‘Real Boy’,  then it can play a significant role in nurturing more understanding and acceptance both within the community and society at large.

Shaleece Haas the writer/director of this multi-award winning movie talked to queerguru about telling the tale of 19 year old trans man Bennett Wallace as he goes on the sometimes difficult journey of transitioning.  Ben is a sheer delight and is refreshingly open and honest about his many lows, as well as his highs, and Shaleece explained to us what it was like being able to share his story.

The movie will be screened on PBS’s Independent Lens on June 19th at 10pm, and soon afterwards will be available on DVD/VOD via www.realboy.com

The interview was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99

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