Academy Award winners Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman talk TAYLOR MAC and his excellent new concert film


Taylor Mac’s 24 Decades History of Popular Music was a 24 Hour Marathon on Oct 8 – 9 2015 (noon to noon) at St Ann’s Warehouse New York was a highly anticipated event that was 5 years in the making and never to be repeated.  

This whole extraordinary masterpiece was filmed by Academy Award winners Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman who had the near-impossible task to edit the recording down to under 2 hours, and their combined efforts is now playing the film festival circuit before HBO screens it at the end of June.

At the Provincetown Film Festival, Epstein and Friedman talked to Querguru about Mac’s most powerful performance pieces that we think we have ever witnessed and surpass his very distinguished body of work to date.  One of the (many) awards he has gathered over the years is a MacArthur Genius Grant……its the description of genius that makes him so well qualified for this.

PS The Film will premiere on HBO on 6/27