Screening TODAY 4/26/22 at the prestigious 65th Edition of the San Francisco Film Festival will be a wee gem from one of Queerguru’s very fav Brit Indie filmmakers Joseph Wilson. His 13 min Isn’t It a Beautiful World is part of Shorts Program 2 and is a path to catharsis through the exploration of shared trauma and the queer experience.
You can see more of Joseph Wilson's work at
Other (bigger) queer movies you should check out at this year’s SIFF include :
PRIVATE DESERT a Brazilian queer drama that is about hopelessness and hope at the same time and was that country’s official submission to the Oscars this year. Apart from the central theme of taken for granted homophobia, the film highlights issues such as the claustrophobic experiences of being gay in a small town, and the unfair burden of masculinity,
Jeannette a truly heart-breaking documentary, is making its World premiere at this Fest. Its the story of a queer mum who is one of the survivors of the Orlando Pulse Club massacre Finding strength in family, friends and work, Jeannette runs a boot camp where she helps others find their strength, all the while turning them into family and turning away from hate. It’s a very powerful image of positivity in Florida that’s more important than ever right now with a Governor hell-bent on totally destroying our community.’
BENEDICTION: For many British people, the poetic works of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen were the only rebukes to British nationalism that they were ever taught in school. Sasson recounted not just the wounds of the Great War but also spoke with contempt of the incompetence of the generals, the jingoism of politicians, and the blindness of the church. In Terence Davies’ Benediction, which tells the life and works of Sassoon, including his relationship with Owen, there is a deep and bitter sense of reproach that seeps through its many layers. For fans of the Davies. one of the great queer auteurs, this is a must-see.
For the full program 65TH SFFILM FESTIVAL April 21–May 1, 2022

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