Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Rainbow’s Sunset : a Filipino gay melodrama that is way too preachy


If you ever wondered what a gay Filipino Lifetime Made For TV Movie would look like, then Rainbow’s Sunset would be it.  Maybe something got lost in translation, or it is to do with cultural differences,  but this tale of these 80+ year old gay men finally moving in with each other when one is dying, is way too cliched and preachy for words.

Fredo (Tony Mabesa) the son of wealthy family has been in love with poor farm boy Ramon (Eddie Garcia) since they were in school together.  Even though they started getting physical together in  College, Ramon still got married and had a family. Unmarried Fredo was there every step of the way, financing Ramons first home and his political campaign when he decided to run for Office.  He even acted as a surrogate father and grandfather to Ramon’s family as they grew up.

Now Ramon is a retired and a very respected Senator and local celebrity with one of his uptight daughters as the Town’s  Mayor.   Fredo is now in the final stages of terminal cancer, so Ramon just ups and moves in with him.  Ramon’s wife Sylvia  (Gloria Romero) who has known about their relationship for years is resigned to what will happen. but his three adult children jump down heavily on him as they are concerned that gossip about their father being gay will harm their own relationships. 

The fact that each of the children have their problems within their own relationships didn’t stop them focusing on wanting to try to persuade their father to move back home for their own sakes. 

It all feels like writer/director Joel Lamangan set out to make a film to help the conversation about the acceptance of the LGBT community with Filipino society.   However it sadly misfires and comes over as a ill-conceived patronising melodrama that you are so very happy to finally see the end credits roll.

Posted by queerguru  at  19:26


Genres:  drama, international

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