
4 Days

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The 4 Days referred too in this Filipino coming-of-age story take place over several years, and always around Valentine Day. When Mark (Mikoy Morales) is assigned to be the new college roommate of Derek (Sebastian Castro) he has to adjust to the fact that Derek always has a new girlfriend in tow.  In fact through … Continue reading

Quick Change

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In the back streets of Manila amidst a vibrant transsexual community Dorina who is known as the ‘Doc’, is the purveyor of quick fix beauty enhancements.   In a culture obsessed with looks and glamour this ex-entertainer provides the necessary collagen implants so that the ‘lady-birds’ can be transformed into a replica of their favorite female … Continue reading


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Rene is a lonely grumpy 70 year old man who has alienated the few people in his life with his caustic comments and his decidedly unfriendly attitude. He lives alone in a shabby house in a small provincial town in the Philippines, and he is just waiting to die.  It’s not that he is ill, … Continue reading

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