Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

Queerguru’s Jose Mayorgas reviews GREEN NIGHT a neo-noir thriller from Chinese Filmmaker Han Shuai


At an airport in Seoul, there is a security checkpoint where a sad looking woman agent does her duty, we follow her in a film that captures your attention from  the beginning to end.

In this fictional story directed by Han Shuai the security agent´s name is JiaXin (Fan Bingbing) a Chinese woman married to   Lee (Kim Yeong Ho) an abusive Catholic Korean man.  While working she is attracted at first sight to a younger and extroverted Green-haired girl (Lee Joo Young) who periodically introduces illegal substances from abroad (she is a drug mule with the help of Korean security authorities who turn a blind eye and participate in her business).

By chance the two women are  draw toward each other, and we get to know  more of JiaXin,  a quiet magnetic presence on screen, and  less of the green-haired girl, whose intentions are not always clear.  They both are adventurous women driving on a motorbike randomly, and while doing so, facing  situations that may or may not bring them together.

Beautifully shot, the story also highlights aspects of Korean society. The film is  set at Christmas time and action takes place in a short period of time. Neon lights and kitsch touches mix with violence in several sequences.

The protagonist JiaXin struggles for her personal freedom from a marriage of convenience, but she needs 35 million won for her residence permit. This is the reason why she gets involved, at the beginning, with the girl that also has  green nails and a green tattoo.

Green Night addresses gender inequality and domestic violence amongst other universal issues in  contemporary Korean society.  The performances of the two actresses are  worth watching

Female director Shuai Han won best screenplay at Panorama Section Award, Asian Film Festival, Barcelona, 2023 and was nominated for Teddy Award and Panorama Audience Award  at  the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival.

Premiering on VOD/Digital/Film Movement Plus on 10/18


Review by José Mayorga , Guatemala, Central America lawyer and notary public, visual artist, and editor of El Azar Cultural, lives and works in Guatemala City. Cinema lover, curious about the possibilities life brings and eager to live the experience.

Posted by queerguru  at  09:47


Genres:  international, lesbian, thriller

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