Friday, March 1st, 2024

Queerguru reviews SILVER HAZE a gritty queer piece of British realism by Sacha Polak



This sophomore feature film from the British filmmaker Sacha Polak SILVER HAZE sees her back working with actress Vicky Knight after their award-winning  Dirty God in 2019.   For that role, Knight was chosen from auditions of burn survivors, and now once again she is starring in the role of a survivor……..  this time of a deliberately started fire that took place in a family friend’s pub: fifteen years late

Knight plays Franky a nurse whose patient is Florence (Esmé Creed-Miles), a similarly complicated and damaged young woman who is recovering after a recent suicide attempt.  They quickly begin a hot and heavy (mainly sexual) relationship …….Franky’s first same-sex one.  When they are discovered by Franky’s homophobic blue-collar family the pair run away to move in with Florence’s grandmother in Southend-On-Sea.

Silver Haze is a gritty piece of British realism that demands your concentration with its uneven plot lines and somewhat confusing character developments.  Despite this, Knight gives a compelling performance at the heart of this film as she somewhat angrily attempts to reconcile the unanswered questions from her childhood, navigate her sexuality

Silver Haze has such a distinctive improvised feel of the whole project like a British kitchen-sink drama of the late 1950s: however now it’s not about angry young men!

PS The next screening of SILVER HAZE will be at BFI FLARE, London






Posted by queerguru  at  11:28


Genres:  coming out, drama, dramedy, experimental, lesbian

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