Thursday, March 30th, 2017

I’m Fine …..No Really!


We really have to admit it.  We are getting seriously impressed with the original content that is beginning to appear on DEKKOO the (fairly) new LGBT streaming service.  With their 3rd new series in the last month or two about to be launched in, it’s actually starting to show that it is serious about providing our community with a service that the much heralded Logo & Here TV Channels promised and yet failed to deliver.

Granted these are early days and the new series will probably never pick up any major awards, but they do contain the sort of well-produced light-hearted and witty humorous content that we really need right now. Especially when it features characters and story lines that most of us in the LGBT Community can so relate too.

About to hit our screens is I’m Fine which is the story of Nate a twenty-something-year-old who has just broke up his boyfriend and is literally trying to convince himself and his best friend that he really is totally fine, when it is obvious that he is so not. As its set in West Hollywood Nate is hardly short of candidates for possible replacements, if only he wasn’t so picky.  And if he really was ‘over’ his ‘ex’.

Written and directed by Brandon Kirby and starring Perry Powell the first four episodes of about 5 minutes each will be available on Dekko on April 19th, with second four episodes on June 21st.  It’s a great way at how we look at gay men experience friendships and relationships, and all done with tongue-in-cheek.  Or should that be just plain cheeky?   Go watch and decide for yourself.


Posted by queerguru  at  21:34


Genres:  coming out, webseries

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