Monday, January 13th, 2020

The Latin Boys : a compilation of short touching queer films from South America


First came The Danish Boys, now comes The Latin Boys Volume One, a parallel series of short movies from NQV Media. If the Volume One title is a hint that there is more to come then Queerguru is gonna keep an eye on their inbox, based on this collection it will be worth it. 

In common with The Danish Boys (see our review here http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/the-danish-boys-danish-without-sugar/) all of these movies are highly polished accomplishments. Whereas The Danish Boys was a sad songs playlist of tragically familiar scenarios delivered with finesse The Latin Boys feels fresher and is more touching than morose. The Latin Boys also feel like they are cut from bigger stories without having to tell the whole story. 

Unicorn  : From Bolivia directed by Rodrigo Bellott 

A young German/Bolivian Mennonite (Doug Porter) relies on the help of others to escape his fundamentalist community. This hypnotic tale gives serves a lesson in how the sacrifices people make to shape the future of their children can either be a selfish or selfless act 

Cast includes Eric Robles, Arturo Lora, and Lorena Sugier. 

El Amigo  From Peru, directed by Erick Salas Kirchhausen,  

Marcos’ (Sebastian Rubio) relationship with his girlfriend is losing some of its sexual excitement and in a drunken moment he reaches out to his friend Esteban (Oscar Meza) to try something new. Over them both looms the question who is using who? 

From Cuba,  directed by Simon(e) Jaikiriuma Paetau 

Performing in an illegal drag show in Havana has its own risks for 17 year old Sebastian, perhaps it would be worth it if it helped his mother see him for who he really is. The yearning to be yourself and to be accepted oozes off the screen.  

The cast includes Yaniel Castillo, Rebecca Rodriguez Aragón, and Paula Ali 

Pray for Us From Costa Rica, directed by Andrés Madrigal Alvarado 

In the most unusual of these shorts we are thrust into the middle of what seems to be the aftermath of the heist of a religious artefact. Caught up hiding out in a bodega the religious motivations of the whole cast are thrown into question by the bloody outcome. 

The cast includes Sandra Ribas, Saúl Espinazo, Leo Ocampo, and David Elizondo. 

Carlito Leaves Forever From Peru directed by Quentin Lazzarotto 

In this shortest of shorts Carlito (Carlito Tirira Meshi) is seen to be leaving his isolated home by the Amazon forever.  The audience is able to imagine his whole world through the simple act of him leaving it 

I Am Yet To Make You a Love Song From Brazil, directed by Henrique Arruda 

Unfortunately ending on a flat note this musically themed Instagram like story fails to take off. A creative couple use their art to show their love but it is too much like being forced to watch a break up on Facebook. 

Overall it is an excellent collection. Surprisingly sparse on dialogue it is a tribute to all the directors and performers how much more is glimpsed beyond what is shown. 

Posted by queerguru  at  20:11


Genres:  international, shorts

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