Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

The First Gay Parade : San Francisco 1971


This excellent unique  slice of queer history is a film of the very first Gay Parade in San Francisco in 1970. Made by the artist, opera designer and independent filmmaker Ronald Chase,it was believed to have been lost for almost 50 years.  Not only has it be found but it is just about to be screened as part of  Frameline 44 Virtual Film Festival later this month,

This was actually the first “official” gay parade, organized with permits by the city and with a very small attendance and a lot of very brave people. Notice the turnout was sparse (only two blocks of well-wishers turned out to watch), but the atmosphere was electric. Chase felt that gay people should make their own case to the public, and this film was made in hope it might be helpful in changing attitudes in the straight community.

Posted by queerguru  at  10:41


Genres:  documentary

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