6/2/2022 is about to become a prominent day in LGBTQ+ history as that’s when Discovery + is about to air its highly anticipated series THE BOOK OF QUEER. Why so important? Well, for a start it’s Executive Produced by Eric Cervini, a queer historian, which is a first in itself.
Cervini is joined in The Book of Queer along with LGBTQ celebrities who lend their voices as narrators for the series, especially the legendary actor Leslie Jordan. He was quoted as saying for
him, it was an amazing learning experience, and expressed his surprise as to why it wasn’t made before He sees the series as a necessary move forward when considering all of the anti-LGBTQ legislatures that are sweeping the country.
Cervini also told LGBT Nation “Most LGBTQ history that is taught is tragic, most people know that and they primarily focus on that history. But there’s a lot of joy in LGBTQ history. We wanted to show that and share these different stories. So, we finally decided it was time to tell our history and created a television series with the largest out LGBTQ cast in television history.”
Regardless of the audience watching, we hope that what we portray is funny. That people will love what we have to show and care to make a difference.”90u
The Book of Queer premieres 6/2 on Discovery+.