Sunday, March 1st, 2020

Stranger Hearts: a trio of unhappy souls


KEVIN JAMES THORNTON has followed up his disappointing debut feature “How To Get From Here To There‘  a low budget queer sci-fi movie with this new web series for Dekkoo.  Stranger Hearts follows three gay men from wildly different backgrounds whose lives would somehow one day overlap.

Billy (musician Matt Moran) has all the trappings of a media mogul yet oddly his office has one single employee and no sign of much business at all.  One night ditching his suit for a harness and leather pants and about to make out with a hunky Bear in a gay club, he suffers a heart attack.  He soon discovers that he actually needs a heart transplant.  This is a man who does nothing by half.

Luka (Amo from The Real World) on the other hand is a gender non-conforming would-be photographer who has just walked out of his latest busboy job and now unable to any other work, becomes an online escort.

The third man is Andre (newcomer Qua Robertson Harper) a very shy closeted African-American who still lives at home with his mother. He hasn’t come out at home. but that is hardly surprising as he rarely says a word to anyone.

The one thing they all have in common in this muddled tale is  that they are all unhappy and all are struggling with taking ownership of their own destinies.  None of them can grasp the fact that they alone are the ones who actually need to do something about their misery. 

I’m sure that this low-budget series was inspired by some well-meaning intentions which sadly dissipate as the plot unfolds  The very unconvincing story line is not helped by a very stilted script which gives the actors plenty of opportunity for long lingerings stares.  Try as we may (and we did) in the end it is too difficult to get engaged in either the characters or their lives in this troublesome project. 

Posted by queerguru  at  11:40



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