Sunday, November 6th, 2022

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews “A Dice With Five Sides” a queer Italian/Spanish drama


Two handsome strangers, Marcello (Alexander Ananasso) and Herman (Jake Garvey) meet in an apartment for a sex hookup. Afterward, they realize they have special feelings for each other. Too afraid to follow their hearts, Marcello and Herman decide to play a game, using an ancient dice made of stone. They establish six actions to perform, one for each side: telling an uncomfortable truth; doing something the other likes; inviting a third person to join them; doing something blindfolded; leaving the apartment and having sex. As years go by, they keep on playing, despite each having other serious partners. They gradually grow closer and closer but the conflict between the desire to be together and the fear of yet another failed relationship becomes increasingly problematic. Will they be able to find the strength to make choices and break the vicious cycle they have entered or will the game continue until fate decides for them?

Written and directed by Riccardo Tamburini, A Dice with Five Sides is, in effect, a queer version of Luke Rhinehart’s classic 1971 novel, The Dice Man. This rather experimental film, however, suffers from a poor script and a few irrelevant sub-plots, including a random cleaner who visits the apartment in the dead of night looking for her lost wedding ring. I imagine this film was shot on a shoestring budget and that shows in the weak cinematography. Having said that, there is good chemistry between Marcello and Herman and they are both likable men. Also, the broad idea of using dice with different outcomes in a relationship will be inspiring to some.

This movie will soon be available from TLA Releasing



Queerguru’s Contributing Editor Ris Fatah is a successful fashion/luxury business consultant  (when he can be bothered) who divides and wastes his time between London and Ibiza. He is a lover of all things queer, feminist, and human rights in general. @ris.fatah

Posted by queerguru  at  17:05



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