Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews EVERYTHING OF VALUE a queer disturbing Dutch drama that lets you choose the ending


Everything of Value (Alles van Waarde) is director Stanley Kolk’s originally constructed background story to a violent assault on two queer men one night in the shadow of a church in a small town in Holland.

Kolk cleverly combines a fake documentary format, interviews and footage of the behind-the-scenes casting to recall this disturbing incident in a close-knit, rather religious community. The two men are assaulted by a group of young men in what is deemed to be a homophobic attack, but why do the victims refuse to report the crime? 

Rick (Abe Dijkman) lies battered in hospital but his partner Marc (brilliantly played by Teun Luijkx) is nowhere to be seen. We later find Marc at home with his wife and son, nursing his wounds. Marc refuses to say how he got injured. Detective Narin (Sinem Kavus) tries to get either of the men to press charges against their assailants but they are both unwilling to co-operate. The village is led by a conservative group of church elders, and Mark is part of the church choir.  Kolk uses interviews with the church leader, family members and one of the victims to tell this very sad, compelling story which reveals a dark side to small town living in the Netherlands.

Everything of Value is a very modern, insightful film into the role of religion in today’s communities, and the conflict many religious people have with the reality of society and their misguided beliefs. This multi-layered fake docu-drama slowly recreates the story of how the two men first met, and the events that led up to their assault. We are then taken on another journey which shows us the consequences of the assault. There are strong messages in the story, firstly on the importance of coming out and living your true life, and secondly on the importance of religion being tolerant and inclusive. Finally, there is a clear message that people will ‘come out’ when they are ready to and not before. They can’t be outed against their wishes. Hopefully, this film will get the wide audience it deserves. The drama is so realistic that if you didn’t know it was a fake documentary you would assume the whole story is real. Another twist to the tale is that the film has two different endings, and, having seen both, it’s up to the viewer to choose which one they want to believe. Modern drama at its best.

P.S. Everything of Value is screening at Miami’s Outshine film Festival in person and online




Review: Ris Fatah 

Queerguru Contributing Editor Ris Fatah is a successful fashion/luxury business consultant  (when he can be bothered) who divides and wastes his time between London and Ibiza. He is a lover of all things queer, feminist, and human rights in general. @ris.fatah


