Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

Queerguru’s Jose Mayorga reviews ALIGNED a touching debut movie from Greek filmmaker Apollo Bakopoulos



A bird’s view of Greek ruins, several close-ups of a contemporary dancer in movement, and the lyrics of a song referring to wolves inside, howling, provide the tone for an intimate story of growth, self-love,  assurance, and romance set in Athens and New York City.

Aeneas (Panos Malakos) is the leading voice, shares his thoughts and inner demons, he feels unworthy, and defers actions and self-sabotage. He lives in Athens and attends classes of contemporary dance at one of the top schools, where Alex (Dimitris Fritzelas) with shared cultural roots, arrives for three months from New York City where he has lived for two years with his girlfriend Dianne.

At the academy there are six dancers, instructor’s indication is to make duets, by chance, Aeneas and Alex are partnered to dance together.  The instructor advises a duet thar is based on trust and on an exploration of how much one can give to the other… these sentences are like the motivation that moves the protagonists throughout the movie.  Both dancers also share the apartment they live in which has rooms with views of the sea.

Contemporary dance choreographies are an eloquent complement to the drama, as well as the radiant Greek light that Alex misses most while in America. The Greek light also provides insights to Aeneas who does meditation and deep breathing to help his anxiety.  Every morning Aeneas writes a list of everything he has in his life that makes him happy, he wants to believe in himself and make good choices.

We follow the dancer partners through the cities outdoors and indoor spaces, we watch them interact and enjoy themselves.  Early in the film we also learn about The Alchemist, it is said that when you desire something very much, the whole universe conspires for you to have it… 

This debut movie from filmmaker Apollo Bakapoulos has a predictable ending, although it is enjoyable to watch. Camera angles speak on their own providing perfect framing for the quest Aeneas and Alex have, since each one follows the energies of his heart instead of his mind.



Review by José Mayorga , Guatemala, Central America lawyer and notary public, visual artist, and editor of El Azar Cultural, lives and works in Guatemala City. Cinema lover, curious about the possibilities life brings and eager to live the experience.

Posted by queerguru  at  12:36


Genres:  dramedy, international, romance

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