Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Next Level Shit : or how not to be too anal retentive before a date


Filmmaker Gary Jaffe’s award-winning short Next Level Shit is about one of those awkward pre-date experiences that nearly every gay man can and will relate to.  Well, the honest ones anyway  …..

This thought-provoking and entirely delightful rom-com is the story of Taylor (the very cute Ben Baur) who is preparing for his third date with hot-looking Chris (Daniel K Issac).  As sex is on the menu (after dinner)  Taylor is obsessive about his preparations to the point of getting very anal over it all.  Literally.

All we’ll add is that all’s well that ends well BUT don’t watch the film if you are just about to go out on a date.

PS Evidently you have to be 18 years old before YouTube will let you watch it

Posted by queerguru  at  14:04


Genres:  rom-com, shorts

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