Friday, May 22nd, 2020

Last Ferry : looking for love on Fire Island can be deadly


It can be pretty scary visiting an almost deserted Fire Island in the off season generally , but its not usually as murderous as  shy young NY lawyer Joseph  (Ramon O. Torres) found on his very first visit. 

He’s not long off the Ferry before he is drugged and robbed in the bushes near the notorious Meat Rack.  As he starts to wake up he witnesses what he eventually discovers is a murder and tries to run off,  but just blacks out again on the beach.

When he awakes he finds himself  lying on a bed in one of those beachfront homes that are rented by a group of friends for the season.  His knight-in-shining-armour is Cameron (Sheldon Best) who had literally dragged him home and taken care of him. As Joseph has neither money or a place to stay, Cameron gives him the use of their spare room for the weekend.

Next morning the shy virgin-like Joseph is pounced on by two of the other housemates who are determined to learn both his story,  and more important his availability. It is actually Cameron who is the one to benefit from Joseph’s single status and they are about to ‘seal the deal’ later that night which will put all thought of the murder out of his mind.   However they are disturbed by the unexpected arrival of another housemate Rafael (Myles Clohessy) who is totally wasted.

When Joseph discovers that Rafael actually has his Drivers License that was in his wallet that the mugger had taken,   it starts to set off a few red flags.  Joseph had gone there in the first place deliberately to find a boyfriend and true love, and this was the very last thing he ever thought he would find himself in.

There are very few LGBTQ murder thrillers and this very entertaining one was filmed entirely on Fire Island was written and co-edited by Ramon O. Torres and was based loosely on the 2013 gay mystery Stranger By The Lake .

Extremely visually appealing because of both the stunning vistas of Fire Island but also the attractive men who catch the Ferry there even in the off-season ……. and naturally steer clear of the Meat Rack, but that goes without saying.

Posted by queerguru  at  18:20


Genres:  thriller

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