Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Jaded : one of the best LGBT webseries of 2018


The web series Jaded is a really entertaining look at the contemporary dating scene in San Francisco through the eyes of one 30-something year old man who looks for love in all the wrong places.  It’s the work of writer/performer J D Scalzo who is not only the creator but plays the hapless Jackson who faces a daily struggle with the fact that there are no rules, anymore.

As he hops from one bed to another Jackson hoping this one could be Mr Right, he is own worst enemy for some of the suspect choices he makes, and that he is too wrapped up in how own convoluted constant self-examination.

Jaded is a witty, exceedingly funny, spot-on observation of the scene and makes for very compelling viewing.  Scalzo is pitch perfect as the confused and struggling Jackson, but then again the story lines are probably taken from his own life. Despite what tangle he gets into, he somehow ensures that we are always in his corner.

One of the best new LGBT web series this year, with excellent production values all around too, despite its mini budget.  Shout out for the rather fab music selections too.

We for one, cannot wait to see what happens in the next episodes.

You can catch the first four episodes at https://vimeo.com/jadedxsf

Posted by queerguru  at  10:37


Genres:  webseries

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