Sunday, September 1st, 2019

Drive Me Home : a road trip to reconciliation


For his feature film directing debut Simone Catania has made this intriguing road movie about a couple of childhood friends who became estranged when they grew up. 

Antonio (Vinicio Marchioni) had inherited his grandfather’s old farmhouse in a remote part of Sicily, but at 15 years old all he wanted to do was escape the idyllic but remote island and head for some bright city lights,  His best friend Agostino (Marco D’Amore) was much more content living in this rural setting, but gave the impression he would always concede to Antonio’s wishes.

Fast forward 15 years and both men are now living in Belgium but have had no contact with each other for years.  Antonio eventually tracks his friend down and as he is long-distance truck driver , he talks him into giving him a ride.

We soon discover that Antonio is trying to get back to Sicily as he has not paid the taxes and upkeep on the farmhouse all over the years and  so it is now about to be put up for Auction.  Why the men have not spoken to each other for all these years and how their lives turned out,  is slowly  revealed in part as the plot unfolds.

Agostino had come out as gay at 15 and after his father the local Mayor nearly beat him to death, he ran away from home.and the family put out the story that he was in a Swiss Boarding school. It was obvious that he had a crush on Antonio then as he does now, and even though they were always close, Antonio had no idea about his friends sexuality which does strike one as  tad odd.. The way he chooses to now reveal he is gay is extemely homoerotic. 

On this long journey that will will take eventually Antonio back to Sicily the friends reconnect but mainly with few words that leave so much still unsaid.  Its a testimony to the two talented lead actors  and the sheer chemistry between them that make this story so very believable, and engages you to such an extent that you end up wishing for a happy conclusion for them both.

Posted by queerguru  at  11:14


Genres:  drama, international

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