Friday, January 31st, 2020

Could the First KIss be the Last Kiss ?


Brit queer filmmaker Simon Anderson’s short almost-romantic drama takes place in the idyllic English countryside at night after Sam’s brother’s wedding.   The happy couple have gone to bed and as Sam (Matthew Tennyson) is in the garden a night cap , he starts up a conversation with Nick (Nigel Allen)  one of his brother’s best friend.

When the talk turns to hobby Nick not only shares that he loves restoring vintage care, but he offers to take him for a spin in the car he had driven to the wedding.

By the  time they get deeper into the countryside its day break, and they stop beside a lake and swap the car for a small rowing boat.  Things seem to be going well, but when Nick leans in for a kiss, the mood quickly change

This short coming-of-age story is about confronting first fears of sexual desires which we can only hope that the bitter sweet finish on the screen is not really the end.

Simon Anderson’s MORNING IS BROKEN  was also released  on Peccadillo Pics’ Compilation  Boys On Film 15: Time & Tied


Posted by queerguru  at  13:36


Genres:  romance, shorts

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